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Two College of Design students awarded Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarships for study in Italy, Spain

Author: Synch Content

AMES, Iowa — Two Iowa State University College of Design students have received the highly competitive u003ca href=u0022 A. Gilman International Scholarshipu003c/au003e from the U.S. Department of State for 2024-2025. The scholarship is awarded to undergraduate Pell Grant recipients who plan to intern or study abroad.rnrnCollege of Design recipients include fourth-year architecture student Andrea Muchori, from Ankeny, and community and regional planning sophomore Tyrique Ross, from Kansas City, Missouri. They are among six Iowa State students awarded Gilman Scholarships this year.rnu003ch3u003eAndrea Muchoriu003c/h3u003ernu003cimg class=u0022size-medium wp-image-50472 alignrightu0022 src=u0022×300.jpgu0022 alt=u0022u0022 width=u0022200u0022 height=u0022300u0022 /u003eMuchori is studying in Italy this semester with the College of Design’s Rome Program. The program offers a unique opportunity for students to learn about contemporary and historic architecture and design while living in Rome.rnrnA first-generation college student, Muchori says she’s been looking forward to this immersive opportunity since high school.rnrn“This is a true once-in-a-lifetime experience for me,” she said. “This semester abroad will undoubtedly prepare me for my career as an architect, and I love to travel. It’s exciting to get out and see this part of the world while also completing my studies.”rnu003ch3u003eTyrique Rossu003c/h3u003ernu003cimg class=u0022size-medium wp-image-50473 alignrightu0022 src=u0022×300.jpgu0022 alt=u0022u0022 width=u0022200u0022 height=u0022300u0022 /u003eRoss, who is minoring in Spanish, will participate in a six-week study abroad program in Valencia, Spain, through Iowa State this summer.rnrnWhen he completes his degree, Ross hopes to focus on helping cities grow more sustainably and efficiently.rnrn“Valencia is a complex city shaped by the cultural influences of its various rulers over the years,” he said. “Learning about Valencia’s development will support my goals as an international community regional planner focusing on community development and deepen my understanding of their language.”rnu003ch4u003eContactsu003c/h4u003ernAndrea Muchori, Fourth-year Student, Architecture, amuchori@iastate.edurnTyrique Ross, Sophomore, Community and Regional Planning tiross@iastate.edurnGenesis Reyes-Granados, Student Writing Assistant, College of Design, genreyes@iastate.edurnLauren Johnson, Communications Specialist, College of Design,