The College of Design has a variety of councils and committees to expand your involvement in the university.

Liaison Council

The Liaison Council has the following responsibilities:

1. Facilitate effective communication within the college community;
2. Bring faculty and staff perspectives and concerns to the attention of the dean;
3. Inform the faculty and staff on issues of college-wide concern;
4. Schedule meeting times and develop the agenda for college faculty-staff meetings;
5. Refer issues of faculty and staff concern to college councils, standing committees and ad hoc committees for consideration.

  • Council Chair: Julia Badenhope and Shelby Doyle
  • Voting Member:  
    • Dean: Luis Rico-Gutierrez
    • Senate Caucus Chair: Andrea Wheeler
    • Professional and Scientific Staff Council Chair: Alison Weideman
    • Art & Visual Culture: Jennifer Drinkwater 
    • Architecture: Shelby Doyle 
    • Community and Regional Planning: Ted Grevstad-Nordbrock 
    • Graphic Design: Carol Faber
    • Industrial Design: Pete Evans
    • Interior Design: Trevor Kliever 
    • Landscape Architecture: Julia Badenhope 
    • Term Faculty: Kristen Greteman

Operations Committee

The Operations Committee has the following responsibilities:

1. Facilitate and encourage communication between faculty, staff and the dean’s office on issues relating to management, distribution, maintenance and acquisition of collegiate facilities;
2. Review and provide oversight for college computer-related activities, including submission of proposals to the CASTLE and yearly expenditures of student fees in the College of Design;
3. Review and provide oversight for the college communications team to ensure a consistent message, including web, print, and social media;
4. Facilitate discussion about university collections (and their associated facilities) related to the design disciplines, including the Design Reading Room and the Parks Library;
5. Review and define college policies in regard to the health and welfare of the faculty, staff and students in the college, including issues of safety in the studios and building, hazardous material usage and disposal, and the health of our faculty, staff and students in general;
6. Review and provide oversight for college shop-related activities, including
budget, access and hours.

  • Committee Chair: Ted Grevstad-Nordborck 
  • Member:  
    • Art & Visual Culture: Ingrid Lilligren 
    • Architecture: Nick Senske 
    • Community and Regional Planning: Ted Grevstad-Nordbrock 
    • Graphic Design: Andrea Quam
    • Industrial Design: Vyankatesh Chinchalkar
    • Interior Design:  vacant
    • Landscape Architecture: Austin Dunn
  • Ex-Officio: 
    • Associate Dean responsible for building operations: Rob Whitehead 
    • Director of Operations: Mike Miller 
    • Director of Strategic Communications: Heather Sauer 
    • College Shop Manager: Jeremy Thurlby 
    • Liaison Council Representative: Ted Grevstad-Nordbrock

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee has the following responsibilities:

1. Create and promote strategies to ensure equity in accordance with university equal opportunity and diversity policies;
2. Support and develop programming to increase recruitment and retention of minoritized or marginalized students within the College of Design;
3. Recognize and reward faculty and staff service and research related to the enhancement of equity, diversity, and inclusion;
4. Encourage the development of new courses, curricula and programs to improve the incorporation of equity, diversity, and inclusion throughout the curricula;
5. Encourage the use and creation of educational resources to enhance the equity, justice, inclusion, understanding and respect of all individuals.

  • Committee Chair: Jarael Madyun 
  • Member:  
    • Art & Visual Culture: Jennifer Drinkwater 
    • Architecture: Kristen Greteman 
    • Community and Regional Planning: Robert Pfaff 
    • Graphic Design: Brandon Olsen
    • Industrial Design: Jason Cornaro
    • Interior Design: Hanieh Baktash 
    • Landscape Architecture: Caroline Westort
    • Director of Multicultural Student Success: Jarael Madyun 
    • Faculty Success Advisor: Gary Taylor 
    • College of Design Staff: Ani Das and vacant 
    • Undergraduate Student: vacant 
    • Graduate Student: vacant  
  • Ex-Officio:  
    • Senior Associate Dean: Seda McKilligan 
    • College Senator: vacant 
    • Liaison Council Representative: Jennifer Drinkwater 

Lectures and Exhibitions Committee

The Lectures and Exhibitions Committee has the following responsibilities:

1. Define and coordinate a yearly college-wide program of lectures and exhibitions that serve the mission of the college;
2. Disburse funding to bring lecturers and exhibitions to campus;
3. In collaboration with the Dean’s Office, Operations Committee, and the College of Design Gallery and Exhibitions Spaces Manager, review policies for the use of the college gallery and exhibition spaces.

  • Committee Co-Chair: Megen O’Toole
  • Committee Co-Chair: Peter Zuroweste
  • Member:  
    • Art & Visual Culture: Johnny DiBlasi 
    • Architecture: Peter Zuroweste 
    • Community and Regional Planning: Jiwnath Ghimire 
    • Graphic Design: Maurice Meilleur
    • Industrial Design: Megen O’Toole
    • Interior Design: Sarah Zenti 
    • Landscape Architecture: Bambi Yost
    • P&S Council Representative: vacant
  • Ex-Officio:
    • Director of Strategic Communications: Heather Sauer 
    • Alumni Relations and Events Coordinator: Karlyn Rainey 
    • Gallery Manager: Rachel Connell 
    • Liaison Council Representative: Jennifer Drinkwater 

Academic Affairs Council

The Academic Affairs Council has the following responsibilities:

1. Coordinate the College of Design and departmental general catalog revisions and updates in compliance with the university schedule and procedures;
2. Review and approve undergraduate and graduate courses, curricula and programs recommended by departments;
3. Implement policies and procedures established by the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee;
4. Bring approved departmental and collegiate curriculum changes to the faculty for discussion and action;
5. Work to ensure that academic assessment procedures are implemented in the departments and that those procedures follow university policies;
6. Facilitate faculty development in the area of teaching/learning.

  • Council Chair:  Nick Senske
  • Voting Member: 
    • Art & Visual Culture: Ingrid Lilligren 
    • Architecture: Nick Senske 
    • Community and Regional Planning: Jane Rongerude 
    • Graphic Design: Julius Finley 
    • Industrial Design: Dan Neubauer
    • Interior Design: Nicole Peterson 
    • Landscape Architecture: Michael Martin
    • Graduate Student: vacant
    • Undergraduate Student:  vacant
  • Ex-Officio:  
    • Associate Dean for Academic Programs: Rob Whitehead 
    • Director of International Programs: Jen Hogan 
    • Student Affairs Council Chair: Michelle Rasmussen 
    • Liaison Council Representative: Trevor Kliever

International Programs Advisory Committee

The International Programs Advisory Committee has the following responsibilities:

1. Advise and make recommendations to the AAC and other groups on international programs and activities;
2. Develop and recommend long-term strategies on collegiate international programs and activities.

  • Committee Chair: Jennifer Hogan
  • Member: 
    • Art & Visual Culture: Barbara Caldwell 
    • Architecture: Pete Goche 
    • Community and Regional Planning: Alenka Poplin 
    • Graphic Design: Anson Call
    • Industrial Design: Grit Sadtler
    • Interior Design: Jamie Osmundson 
    • Landscape Architecture: Michael Martin
  • Ex-Officio:  
    • Academic Affairs Council Representative: vacant
    • Associate Dean for Academic Programs: Rob Whitehead
    • Director of International Programs: Jen Hogan
    • Liaison Council Representative: Anson Call

Core Design Program Committee

The Core Design Program Committee has the following responsibilities:

1. Continuously improve and refresh the Core curriculum and constituent courses using the results of student outcomes and other assessments;
2. Actively seek input from all of the college’s faculty regarding Core courses;
3. Assess, improve, and coordinate the enrollment-management process;
4. Make recommendations to the Academic Affairs Council regarding the changes to the Core curriculum and courses, learning outcomes, and the enrollment management process.

  • Committee Chair: Rob Whitehead 
  • Member: 
    • Wendy Parker (Fall) 
    • Alix Foster 
    • Mindy Cooper
    • Nathan Edwards (Core Coordinator)
    • Megen O’Toole (Core Coordinator)
    • Anna Segner (Core Coordinator)
  • Ex-Officio:  
    • Academic Affairs Council Representative: vacant 
    • Associate Dean for Academic Programs: Rob Whitehead 
    • Director of Student Services and Programs: Michelle Rasmussen
    • Liaison Council Representative: Ted Grevstad-Nordborck

Student Affairs Council

The Student Affairs Council has the following responsibilities:

1. Coordinate, develop and promote the college’s involvement in student affairs and student multicultural affairs;
2. Inform academic advisors of changes in the university’s and college’s advising system, including the production and distribution of updated materials;
3. Recommend and initiate policies and faculty development programs that will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of advising programs;
4. Participate in the development, recommendation and implementation of college and university academic standard policies;
5. Review and act each semester on individual student cases in matters pertaining to academic progress;
6. Coordinate, develop and promote the college orientation program in conjunction with the university orientation program.

  • Committee Chair: Michelle Rasmussen 
  • Voting Member: 
    • Tiffany Atilano 
    • Mindy Cooper 
    • Anne Grevstad-Nordbrock 
    • Carly Groninga 
    • Brooke Hartmann 
    • Jen Hogan
    • Jarael Madyun 
    • Jeremy Miller 
    • Karly Nelson 
    • Erin Quinn
    • Michelle Rasmussen  
    • Emily Tyndall 
    • Graduate Student: vacant 
    • Undergraduate Student: vacant 
  • Ex-Officio:  
    • Associate Dean for Academic Programs: Rob Whitehead 
    • Liaison Council Representative: vacant 

Student Honors and Awards Committee

The Student Honors and Awards Committee has the following responsibilities:

1. Manage the college’s Honors Program;
2. Coordinate, develop and promote the college’s Honors Program in coordination with the University Honors Program;
3. Review and recommend criteria, policies and procedures for the college’s student awards and scholarships;
4. Review nominations and make recommendations to the dean for the college’s student awards and scholarships.

  • Committee Chair: Brooke Hartmann 
  • Member: 
    • Art & Visual Culture: vacant 
    • Architecture: Patience Lueth 
    • Community and Regional Planning: Biswa Das 
    • Graphic Design: Christopher Scott
    • Industrial Design: Alex Dill
    • Interior Design: Julie Irish / Diane Al Shihabi 
    • Landscape Architecture: Heidi Hohmann
    • Honors Program Coordinator: Patience Lueth 
    • Student Services Coordinator: Brooke Hartmann 

Faculty Development Council

The Faculty Development Council has the following responsibilities:

1. Review departmental advancement, promotion and tenure recommendations and recommend action regarding such nominations to the dean;
2. Review and recommend to the dean and faculty changes in college advancement, promotion and tenure standards and procedures;
3. Review and recommend to the dean and faculty changes in college post-tenure review standards and procedures;
4. Review and recommend criteria, policies and procedures for the college’s faculty awards;
5. Review nominations and make recommendations to the dean for the college’s faculty awards;
6. Promote and nominate college faculty for university awards.

  • Council Chair: Bern Canniffe
  • Voting Member: 
    • Art & Visual Culture: Barbara Caldwell 
    • Architecture:  Deborah Hauptmann
    • Community and Regional Planning: Monica Haddad 
    • Graphic Design: Bernard Canniffe 
    • Industrial Design: Brenda Jones
    • Interior Design: Julie Irish 
    • Landscape Architecture: Chris Seeger 
  • Ex-Officio:  
    • Liaison Council Representative: Julia Badenhope

Research, Extension and Outreach Council

The Research, Extension and Outreach Council has the following responsibilities:

1. Review, recommend and propose matters regarding college and university awards, fellowships, Faculty Professional Development Assignments, and Foreign Travel Grants;
2. Assist the associate dean for research in disseminating information to the faculty about internal and external research grant opportunities;
3. Facilitate and support interdisciplinary and collaborative research in the college;
4. Review and recommend proposals regarding access and contents of the library collections;
5. Assist the faculty in developing proposals for infrastructure and facilities to support college research;
6. Identify candidates for external national and international recognition;
7. Advise IDRO on matters involving research, extension and outreach.

  • Council Chair:  Hans Klein-Hewitt
  • Voting Member: 
    • Art & Visual Culture: Johnny DiBlasi 
    • Architecture: Chengde Wu 
    • Community and Regional Planning: Gary Taylor 
    • Graphic Design: Alex Braidwood 
    • Industrial Design: Bruno Oro 
    • Interior Design: Yongyeon Cho 
    • Landscape Architecture: Hans Klein-Hewitt 
    • Extension and Outreach Faculty: Gary Taylor 
    • P&S Council Representative:  Alison Weidemann
  • Ex-Officio: 
    • Associate Dean responsible for research: Seda McKilligan 
    • Associate Dean responsible for extension and outreach: Erin Olson-Douglas 
    • Assistant Director of IDRO: Julie Robison 
    • Liaison Council Representative: Pete Evans and Alison Weidemann 
    • Research Coordinator: Sandra Norvell 

Professional and Scientific Council

The Professional and Scientific Council has the following responsibilities:

1. Serve as a resource and as an advocate for Professional and Scientific employees in the College of Design;
2. Identify and communicate the needs of college staff members and provide information and advice in response to those needs;
3. Recommend to the administration and the Liaison Council policies and procedures that benefit College of Design P&S employees and assist in fulfilling the mission of the college;
4. Review and recommend criteria, policies and procedures for the college’s staff awards;
5. Review nominations and make recommendations to the dean for the college’s staff awards;
6. Promote and nominate college staff for university awards.

  • Council Chair: Alison Weidemann
  • Voting Member: 
    • P&S Staff: Brooke Hartmann
    • P&S Staff: Alison Weidemann
    • P&S Staff: vacant 
    • P&S Staff: vacant 
    • P&S Staff: vacant 
  • Ex-Officio: 
    • Liaison Council Representative: Alison Weidemann 
    • University P&S Council Representative: Anindita Das

  • Cabinet Chair: Luis Rico-Gutierrez
  • Members:
    • Jennifer Anderson
    • Amy Bannister
    • Susan Bradbury
    • Paul Bruski
    • Cameron Campbell
    • Rebecca Green
    • Sarah Kyle
    • Jarael Madyun
    • Seda McKilligan
    • Mike Miller
    • Kotaro Nakamura
    • Erin Olson-Douglas
    • Michelle Rasmussen
    • Julie Robison
    • Carl Rogers
    • Heather Sauer
    • Akshay Sharma
    • Lisa Shen
    • Tiffany Nagel Spinner
    • Rob Whitehead