Supporting Faculty Excellence: Navigating Promotion, Tenure, and Career Advancement

  • Annual Performance Reviews

    All faculty members (tenured, tenure-eligible, and term, whether fulltime or part-time) will be evaluated annually (July 1 to June 30) for performance appraisal and development on the basis of their PRS (Faculty Handbook Section 3.4). The evaluation is based on scholarship and contributions in teaching; research, creative, and/or innovation activities; extension, entrepreneurship, and/or professional practice; and institutional service as indicated in each individual’s PRS. Each faculty member’s overall performance must be evaluated as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory (Faculty Handbook Section 4.1.1). The annual evaluation will serve as a basis for determining merit salary increases.

  • Preliminary (Third-Year) Review

    Departments and faculty candidates are encouraged to review and adapt the template as needed to best showcase the quality, quantity, and impact of their scholarship and work.

  • Promotion and Tenure Review

    This document is a supplement to departmental governance documents and the university faculty handbook to guide College of Design faculty members and department chairs through the university promotion and tenure (P&T) review process.

  • Post-Tenure Review

    This document is to guide College of Design faculty members and department chairs through the university post-tenure review process.

  • Term Faculty Renewal and Advancement Review

    This document is to guide design faculty members and review committees through the university’s term faculty renewal and advancement processes.