South Africa’s Risk and Vulnerability Science Centers: The Vision, Strategies and Opportunities for Collaboration

A delegation from five South African universities that host Risk and Vulnerability Science Centers (RVSCs), along with representatives from the South African Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), will share their insights on these centers in a public presentation from noon to 1:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 13, in 416 Design. These RVSCs, which are housed […]

CELT Cultivating Well-Being in Academia: “Essential Practices for Thriving Educators”

2030 Morrill Hall 603 Morrill Road, Ames, Iowa

These sessions aim to provide instructors in higher education with practical tools and insights to enhance their well-being and effectiveness, ultimately contributing to a more positive and supportive academic environment. The Power of Gratitude: Transforming Perspectives and Enhancing Well-being In this session, participants will explore the profound impact of gratitude on personal and professional well-being. […]

CELT Systems Thinking in Higher Education: “Introducing the Habits and Tools of a Systems Thinker”

2030 Morrill Hall 603 Morrill Road, Ames, Iowa

Systems thinking is a strategy that allows us to see the interconnectedness of events in our lives and is a powerful tool to generate solutions to complex problems. We often talk about the need for students “to be” systems thinkers, yet how can we foster this way of thinking? In this workshop, we will define […]

September College of Design Faculty Staff Meeting

Room 130, College of Design 715 Bissell Road, Ames, Iowa

The meeting will be held in 130 Design or attendees can join virtually. Join from the meeting link: Join by meeting number: Meeting number (access code): 2630 285 6989 Meeting password: W8CdKP93pZJ

CELT Teaching Conversations Community of Practice: “Writing Lesson Plans and Visual Aid Design”

1133 Student Innovation Center 606 Bissel Road, Ames, Iowa

The Teaching Conversations Community of Practice is open to any faculty or staff member with a teaching role at Iowa State University. The purpose of this community is to: Support instructors in their continued growth as teachers. Build connections across disciplines. Share strategies for effective teaching and learning. Sessions will usually start with a brief […]

University Awards Ceremony

Four College of Design faculty and staff members will be recognized at the 2024 University Awards Ceremony at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 25, in the Durham Great Hall of the Iowa State Memorial Union. Art and visual culture professor Ingrid Lilligren has been named a University Professor Landscape architecture professor Christopher Seeger has been named […]

ISU Advance: “Advancing from Associate Professor to Professor”

3560 Memorial Union 2229 Lincoln Way, Ames, Iowa

This workshop is for faculty seeking promotion from Associate Professor to Professor and the academic leaders and mentors who support them. Workshop participants will learn about strategies and successful pathways to build a case for promotion from a panel of professors of varying backgrounds. Faculty will meet in groups to discuss college-level requirements and expectations. […]

CELT AI in Teaching Series: “Integrate AI into the Classroom”

1118 Student Innovation Center 606 Bissel Road, Ames, Iowa

Explore the potential of artificial intelligence to transform your educational practices. This workshop will address the ethical implications of using AI in education, as well as provide insights into how AI can be incorporated into assignments and classroom activities. Additionally, participants will learn strategies to enhance AI literacy among students, preparing them for a technology-driven […]