It is common to offer visitors (lecturers, guest critics, etc.) one-day parking passes. You can get them from your departmental partner or Shawnia Silverthorn ( in 146 Design by providing the name, address, phone number and email address of the visitor, along with your department Worktag to charge it to. Or, you can have the visitor request a parking permit, and note there is a fee.
If you want the parking permit to be sent to the visitor ahead of time, you will need to communicate this with your departmental partner or Shawnia ( Otherwise, the visitor can come to Room 146 when they arrive and ask for a printed parking permit; it would be a good idea to give the staff a heads-up that they’re coming before they arrive on campus. All guest passes are for the General Parking areas (Yellow). If guests park in Reserved (Red) or any spaces other than General Parking, they will receive a ticket even with a visitor parking pass.
ISU Parking Division
ISU Parking Maps