Spring 2025 College of Design Graduation Convocation
May 17 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am
What is Convocation?
The College of Design convocation is a separate event from the official Iowa State University commencement ceremonies. Convocation includes only students from the College of Design and allows students and their guests a shorter, more individualized celebration of their achievement. Convocation will include greetings from Design administration, remarks by faculty representatives from each department and individual recognition of each graduating student in attendance. Diploma covers are not presented at convocation.
RSVP for Graduation & Convocation
The RSVP link will be active until Friday, May 9. Students who did not register for convocation but would still like to attend will be asked to complete a blank walking card before the event.
Faculty Representative Voting
A faculty member from each department will be invited to speak at graduation convocation. Graduating students are encouraged to vote for the faculty member who has made an impact on their education in the College of Design. A link to vote will be available soon.
Students and faculty are asked to wear business professional attire. Graduation caps and gowns are optional at convocation. Academic regalia must be worn at university ceremonies.
Parking, Arrival & Check-In
Complimentary parking is available south of Stephens Auditorium. Handicapped parking is available in lot F on the west side of Stephens Auditorium. See Stephens Auditorium parking information here. Doors to Stephens Auditorium will open to the public at 8 a.m. Coffee will be available in the main lobby. Student check-in will be backstage, and students will check in with their department chairs and/or faculty representatives. Students can enter from the loading dock through the stage door on the south side of the building to check in.
Special Accommodations & Accessibility for Guests
Wheelchair-accessible seating is available at the back of the main floor. This area can be accessed by entering through the north ground floor doors and taking the elevator to the main floor. Those with mobility restrictions, but not wheelchair users, may enter through the southwest tower doors to access seating on the house-right side of row 11 without negotiating stairs.
Livestream & Photography
For the enjoyment of those who cannot celebration with us in person, the convocation will be livestreamed. There will be professional photos during the ceremony that are optional to purchase. Proofs will be provided in the mail and electronically.
Diploma Information
Diplomas will not be handed out during convocation or commencement ceremonies. Graduation requirements will be verified, and diplomas will be mailed to all candidates who have successfully completed degree requirements. Diploma covers are presented at the university’s commencement ceremonies.
University Graduate & Undergraduate Commencement Ceremonies
All ISU graduating students are encouraged to attend the university’s official commencement ceremonies. Academic attire is required at these ceremonies. Note that there are three undergraduate ceremonies. The College of Design will be recognized at the second ceremony.
Distinction cords are distributed by the Office of the Registrar. If you have qualified for distinction cords, you will receive an email from the Office of the Registrar a month before graduation with the date, time and location to pick up your cords.
Contact Karlyn Rainey, alumni relations and events coordinator, krainey@iastate.edu, with questions about the college convocation. Questions regarding the university’s commencement ceremonies or distinction can be directed to the Office of the Registrar, (515) 294-1840, graduation@iastate.edu.